Behaviour - managing tantrums and meltdowns, emotional regulation, eye contact, tolerance to work, tolerance to changes, waiting, denials.
Learning to learn skills - ability to sit for some time, ability to look and attend to teacher and materials, ability to scan toys/materials, ability to follow simple instructions, ability to keep hands to self.
Speech and communication - production of speech, initiating language, oral motor skills, articulation, fluency, responding to questions, asking questions, conversations, vocabulary, grammar.
Speech and communication - production of speech, initiating language, oral motor skills, articulation, fluency, responding to questions, asking questions, conversations, vocabulary, grammar.
School readiness and academics - work habits (copying, organisational skills, etc), numeracy, literacy, writing, reading, comprehension, spelling.
Motor skills - gross motor, fine motor, handwriting, cutting, threading.
Play and leisure skills - playing appropriately with toys, visual-spatial skills, playing with peers, pretend play, occupying oneself meaningfully.
Daily living skills - toileting, eating, drinking, wearing shoes, wearing clothes, brushing teeth, money skills, buying things at the shop.