The Kits4Kids Junior course of Study is a unique course of study where a student with mild disabilities may complete to graduate with a Kits4Kids Certificate of Achievement. The Junior Course of Study is an outgrowth of Kits4Kids Foundation Education Systems (EIPIC / Integrated Kindergarten / CARE program).
The Junior Course of Study is intended to meet the needs of a small group of students with disabilities who need a adapted curriculum that focuses on both academic and life-skills for independent living. The vast majority of students with disabilities will complete one of the other three modules of study with the use of accommodations, modifications, supplemental aids and services as needed. The Junior Course of Study is an adapted standard course of study consisting of 6 courses in English, mathematics, science, moral studies, computer including physical education. Junior Course of Study is designed to be self-paced for the student yet competencies are societal benchmarked for authentic independence at school, work or home.
Information Source : Official Website/Facebook Pages of "Kits4Kids Special School"